Conversations: #17 Betrayal

The act of betrayal comes with a flood of different consequences and emotions. Broken trust, hurt and anger among others. Kavita and Ajit explore the many facets of betrayal in today’s culture. How do we cope when we are betrayed? #dalailama #betrayal

Conversations: #16 Don’t Judge, Understand

It is a natural tendency to pass judgements on others, but it often occurs in the absence of understanding and empathy. How do we move past this? How can we gently self-correct while making sure others do not cross boundaries? Kavita and Ajit discuss.

Conversations: #14 Crossing Boundaries

Every relationship has lines that are drawn, and should never be crossed. How do we set boundaries and expectations? How do we react when these are crossed, and how we can we prevent ourselves from crossing them? Kavita and Ajit discuss.

Conversations: #13 Long Term Relationships

Long term relationships are fortified with work, sincere effort and patience. Kavita and Ajit observe what makes for a successful long term partnership, and what pitfalls to avoid.

Conversations: #12 Relationships are Transactional

Meaningful relationships are the number one determinant for happiness according to a recent Harvard study. But what about our relationship with ourselves? How is our self-view reflected by experiences and interactions – both positive and negative? Kavita and Ajit discuss.

Conversations: #9 Compassionate Detachment

Is it possible to be compassionate for others without unhealthy attachment? A conversation about demonstrating concern and empathy, while preserving healthy space and self-care.

Conversations: #8 Kavita Chhibber speaks to Kapil Dev

The first Conversations podcast of 2023 celebrating Indian cricket legend Kapil Dev’s birthday: Kavita speaks to #kapildev on life lessons, charity, memories of #cricket, #83movie and India’s historic 1983 world cup.