Conversations: #27 (Bell Rock, Sedona, AZ) Seeking Spirituality in Nature
A conversation near the foot of majestic Bell Rock in Sedona, AZ. Kavita and Ajit discuss spirituality, and how nature reveals it to us when we look for it.
Ideas Without Boundaries.
A conversation near the foot of majestic Bell Rock in Sedona, AZ. Kavita and Ajit discuss spirituality, and how nature reveals it to us when we look for it.
The beautiful city of Sedona, Arizona is known for its scenic red mountains, its many powerful vortexes and the spiritual pull it has for thousands of visitors annually. Kavita and Ajit reflect on their recent trip to this magical place, its healing energy and overall Read More …
An evening with His Eminence Shyalpa Tenzin Rinpoche By Kavita A Chhibber I had read three books written by him, that resonated deeply with me, so imagine my delight when Ajit and I were invited to meet His Eminence Shyalpa Tenzin Rinpoche at the home Read More …
Long registration lines, bad weather cancelling flights and yet the volunteers managed to make it all work smoothly, as over 2000 delegates and distinguished speakers have started making their way to the sold- out World Hindu Congress in Chicago. People happily mingled with each other Read More …
He was one of the handsomest, most majestic people I’ve met recently and he had terminal cancer. His name was Kramer and he was a 13 year old golden Labrador. His owner, a dear friend brought him to me. I hesitate to refer to him Read More …
“You’ve got to be kidding!” I was the first person to mouth these words when I was introduced to long distance Pranic healing as part of my first class. How can anyone heal anyone else who is not seated in front of you? As it Read More …
I took the first course in Pranic healing in March 2009, and its depth has been an astonishing experience. I’m still awe struck by how well it works in not just my hands, but of others. Many people I’ve spoken to, who have taken classes Read More …
Firstly, thanks so much to the hundreds of people who wrote in with their comments on various websites including mine where I posted my first article on Pranic healing. I think what was interesting to read was that the largest number of emails that I Read More …
“Truth Can Only Be Experienced” By Kavita A Chhibber In the course of my career as a journalist, I have lost count of the number of times, devotees and their divine gurus and divine mothers themselves have accosted me to give them or the organizations Read More …
A week ago, I had been on a long overdue shopping spree. So there I was, walking all over town, and finally in one of the malls. I suddenly twisted my foot as I was about to get in line to check out. The pain Read More …
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